24 Temmuz 2012 Salı

Facebook kaydol

Selam gençler , güzel bir ramazan günü ortak blog!daşlar olarak sizlere selam ve sevgilerimizi iletiyoruz.Bu güzel günde sizlere facebook kaydol sitesini tanıtacağız.

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Site sahiplerine buradan teşekkür ediyoruz.Güzel bir kayıt sitesi hazırlamışlar.

10 Temmuz 2012 Salı

Bazen diyorum ki kendime.

Bazen diyorum ki kendime.

Elime bir 'seccade' alıp içimin ve kalbimin tüm tozlarını almalıyım.../Aşk temizliği şart.

Sübhanallahi velhamdülillahi

Sübhanallahi velhamdülillahi ve la ilahe illallahü vallahü ekber;
ve lahavle vela kuvvete illa billahıl aliyyil aziym..

Allah bütün noksan sıfatlardan münezzehtir, bütün hamdler ona mahsustur Allah’tan başka ilah yoktur Allah en büyüktür.Güç ve kuvvet ancak Allah'a mahsustur.

Efendimiz sav buyuruyor ki; kim bu tesbihatı okursa cennette bir ağaç dikmiş olur.

How To Deposit To Online Casinos?

Top Online Casino Deposit Method: Bank Draft

A bank draft is an instrument for banking used for transactions that involve other branches, other banks or certain companies or groups given certain circumstances. In general, banks issue checks from their own accounts intended for a customer or payee for the purchase of goods or services from a third party.

However, unlike the regular checking system, the bank draft is not easily released upon the request of the payee, but goes through a series of verification from the different parties involved in the transaction. These parties would usually involve the bank that issues the bank draft, the company that receives it or the payee and possibly the respective branch of the bank that releases the payment.

In a sense, anyone can conduct purchases and other financial transactions through bank drafts. However, banks authorize certain agencies like those well known companies or account holders. Other than that, bank drafts are usually issued by the banks themselves. Conversely, only a few recognized financial and commercial institutions accept bank drafts as forms of payment.

When a bank draft is issued, either by the bank itself or an individual making a purchase of goods or services, the vendor or payee that accepts this form of payment deposits the bank draft given into his or her bank account as they would when they deposit checks.

From here on, the processing of the bank draft is left to the banks concerned. Once deposit is made, the bank drafts are transmitted to the bank that is contracted with the vendor or payee through their banking system for payment. The agency then reviews the delivered bank drafts, checking for account validity, amount to be paid as opposed to the available funds, etc. The bank concerned can reject the requests should there be problems in the necessary documents. Otherwise, the bank that received the bank drafts pays for them after 24 hours, usually using the bank’s own account at top casinos online.

How To Play At Top Online Casinos?

At the top online casinos, after the transaction has been verified and processed, the contracted bank delivers a draft purchase voucher (DPV) to the vendor or agency that owns the account. The DPV is sort of a receipt that certifies that the entire transaction with the bank draft took place, which is prepared by the bank that delivered the bank draft and given to the paying bank at the time of the purchase. This document contains all important information that the recipient agency or vendor needs to know about the entire transaction.

Bank drafts, in spite of all its benefits and downsides, are usually treated as an alternative to most conventional means of financial transactions that involve banking. This is because bank drafts were meant for purchases of goods and services that fall under certain instances, most likely concerning the preference of the vendor or customer for bank drafts over other usual means for a specific purchase, for different reasons, but usually related to availability of finances and security of the accounts of both parties. In any case, bank drafts are good alternatives for one’s payment options when the need arises.

Related article: Top Online Casinos For US Players

8 Temmuz 2012 Pazar

Aynur Aydın

14 Aralık 1987 Münih'te dünyaya geldi Aynur Aydın . Daha 9 yaşında iken şarkı söylemeye başladı ve ileride bu işi yapıp kendinden söz ettirileceği gençlik yıllarında belliydi.Şarkı söylemenin yanında çeşitli tiyatro etkinliklerine katıldı.Bu süreçten sonra 2009 yılında ilk albümünün temellerini atmaya başladı.Üç yabancı şarkı çıkarıp bu şarkıların türkçe versiyonları ile birlikte 12 Çeşit La La - 12 Ways To La La albümünde birleştirdi.

Alıntı : Aynur Aydın

4 Temmuz 2012 Çarşamba

Badana Makinesi

Bizler "boya badana" gibi ifadeler kullanıldığı zaman akla gelen öncü firmalar arasında bayrağı elinde tutan nadir firmalardanız.Kendi geliştirdiğimiz badana makinesi ile bu girişimimize kat kat devam etmiş bulunmaktayız.Sizlerin eski yöntem ev boyama işlemelerinden bıktığınızı biliyoruz artık bu duruma son vermenin vakti geldi.Sakın kafanızada soru işaretleri kalmasın boya badana fiyat konusunda ki eski sıkıntılarınızı tamamen unutacaksınız.

Alıntı : badana makinesi